October 31 - Psalm 147

Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 31 - Psalm 147:1-20

Do you ever get over the wonder of a God who cares for one single broken hearted person and knows the number and the names of the stars in heaven?

How good it is to sing praises to our God!!

Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving!

This is the God who puts the clouds in the sky, brings rain to the earth and makes the grass grow. This is the God who provides food for not only the cattle, but the ravens.

The Lord is not impressed with strength or with speed, but He waits for those who fear Him, who put their hope in Him. (Psalm 147:10-11) We are cared for by a Lord who has defined love and who exhibits the love we should emulate moment by moment.

Extol the Lord, O Jerusalem, praise your God, O Zion!

This Psalm is written after the exile, when the Jews had returned to Jerusalem and were rebuilding their city and the Temple.

The Lord is the one who has strengthened the city gates, and blessed the people that returned. He brought peace to them for many years under the reign of the Greeks, He provided enough for them to eat. (Psalm 145:12-14)

And then we meet God's Word ... whom we know as Jesus Christ. Nature responds to God's Word. Snow and frost come when He calls, hail rains down. When the time is right, His Word melts the ice and releases summer breezes so the waters flow again. (Psalm 145:15-18)

This same Word revealed the Law to Israel (Jacob) and in doing so, called this nation to be different, to be separate, to be Children of God.

Praise the Lord!