August 21 - Come, Holy Spirit

Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21 - Acts 2:1-41 - Come, Holy Spirit

There is absolutely no place I would rather be than in a room where the Holy Spirit shows up as a rushing wind and tongues of fire. Seeing and feeling the power of God manifested in that manner would be extraordinary! Every single person gathered together that day were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues. But, what were they saying to each other? Acts 2:10b tells us that they were declaring the wonders of God. Of course they were! Who knows what the words were, but in heaven, the angels and living creatures are standing in the throne room doing the same thing. (Revelation 4:11, Revelation 5:9)

This chapter is also the time when Peter begins to act as the leader of the disciples. He stood before them and the immense crowd that had gathered, speaking words of prophecy from Joel. Then, he preaches about Jesus Christ and how David prophesied regarding Christ's resurrection.

This sermon (Acts 2:14-36) that Peter preached that day touched the people listening. Luke (the author of Acts) says in Acts 2:37 that the people were cut to the heart. Then they asked what the next step should be!

The message of Jesus Christ is so simple and we manage to get it all convoluted by preaching and teaching legalistic rules and regulations for being a Christian. Peter simply said, "God made Jesus, He was crucified. He was both Lord and Christ (Messiah)." Those simple words in Acts 2:36 finished his powerful message and gave the listeners a reason to change their hearts.

"Repent and be baptized so your sins may be forgiven ... The promise is for everyone." (Acts 2:39)

Following this amazing day, the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Miracles happened. The believers shared everything they owned, they took care of those in need, they met every day, they ate together.

When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, not only were phenomenal gifts given to the people gathered, but the power to reach out and draw others in to the fellowship was poured out. They didn't run from it, they embraced it. They didn't try to manipulate it for selfish purposes, everything was done for the community of believers.

It is no wonder that in the early days of the church, the Good News of Jesus Christ raged through the region like wildfire. The people were willing to simply be the conduit for the power of the Holy Spirit.

These are the people we should emulate. Remove ourselves from the equation and allow the Holy Spirit to simply be the power in our lives. Oh, Come Holy Spirit!