July 4 - For Us

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4 - Hebrews 2:10-18 - For Us

Jesus Christ, the author of our salvation. Think about that for a moment. He came from a position of Creator to that of being lower than angels among His creation. While He was still in heaven, Jesus Christ was the author of our salvation. He authored the way for His creation - mankind - to be with Him in heaven.

Hebrews 2:11 tells us that we are part of Jesus' family and that He is not ashamed of us. The quote comes again from Psalm 8 when affirming the fact that He would acknowledge us. We are so important to Him.

Now, the only way that this could happen was that Jesus Christ became like us, made with flesh and blood. By becoming human, when He died, He was able to destroy the devil who holds the power of death and free us from being afraid of death.

Isn't Hebrews 2:16 awesome? After all of this information we have received about angels, we find that Jesus really doesn't worry too much about them. He came to help Abraham's descendants. He didn't come in the form of an angel, but in the form of humanity, those He calls brothers. This thrills my heart! There is so much love and compassion for mankind. God has done everything possible to bring us back to Himself.

As we proceed through the book of Hebrews, we will learn more about Jesus being the great high priest, but it was important for Him to die - to make the atoning sacrifice - so that He could fully know our plight as He is the great high priest. (Hebrews 2:17)

Jesus was tempted in the Garden and through that learning experience, we have confidence that He can help us as we face incredible temptation.

Everything that Jesus did was done for us. Everything. There was no selfish agenda, no other purpose than to offer salvation to those He loves the most ... His brothers ... Abraham's descendants ... those whom God will bring to paradise.