July 17 - The New Covenant

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17 – Hebrews 8:7-13 – The New Covenant

Jeremiah promised that a New Covenant was coming. The entire promise / prophecy is quoted here from Jeremiah 31:31-34.

There are some cool things about this New Covenant and these become quite important as we realize that Jeremiah was writing these words during the time of the Exile. He did not know the Messiah, but could only hope for His coming.

The people of Israel and Judah had not remained faithful to the Old Covenant. Moses had brought forth the Law from God that would establish the rules of the Covenant. God had promised to make the people of Abraham a fruitful nation and to bring them to a land that would be called their own. They fought the relationship with Him every step of the way. Finally, Moses was called to bring His people out of Egypt and even then, the people fought God’s leadership. When the Law was given to Moses, it established a sacrificial system to bring the people into relationship with God. This worked on and off many years, the Old Testament is filled with the stories of the on and off relationship God had with His people.

The original covenant was established between God and the entire nation of Israel. It was not an individual covenant. The priests were responsible for offering the sacrifices and approaching the Holy of Holies. If there was a King of Israel or Judah who did not do right in the sight of the Lord, the entire community was at risk, not just the king.

By the time they are in exile, Jeremiah hears from God that a time will come when a New Covenant is established. This covenant will be quite different as we see in Hebrews 8:10. God will put His law in their minds and on their hearts. No longer will it be the responsibility of the priests to intercede for the people. Hebrews 8:11 points this out clearly – “No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother … because they will all know me.”

Each individual person will be able to have a relationship with God the Creator. The day that the curtain in the temple was torn, when Jesus Christ offered the final sacrifice, the New Covenant was set into place. Jesus had confirmed it at the Last Supper, but it was etched into the hearts of every man on earth when He breathed His last.