July 10 - Warning!

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10 - Hebrews 5:11-14 - Warning!

What is coming next is going to be very difficult to understand. The author is concerned that many of his readers will not be able to manage the information presented because they refuse to grow into a full understanding of what it takes to be a Christian.

How many of us have approached spiritual maturity? Not acquainted with teaching about righteousness? This simply means that we can't understand the difference between right and wrong. If we do understand it, we don't implement it into our lives and still rely and being spoonfed our Gospel.

Over and over I hear that people are afraid of speaking about their faith because they don't feel as if they know Scriptures well enough. I get a lot of people who ask me questions about things, but lament that they don't have time to read the Bible. They are astounded by the knowledge that I have, but it is nothing more than spending time reading Scripture. I've tried many different Bible reading plans in my lifetime and have failed at many of them, but the thing is ... I didn't quit reading. Every time I attempted another reading plan, I spent time in the Bible, reading and learning and allowing the words of God to flow into my life.

I've had people tell me that they don't actually read this blog because they can't find time to add it into their schedule. A schedule that doesn't include any scripture reading anyway.

These verses are speaking to that. After all these years, those who were reading these verses were still needing to be taught the very basic truths of repentance and grace. No one could teach them the deeper things of faith because there was no understanding. They were still dealing with the same issues they had dealt with when they first came to know Christ.

Hebrews 5:14 says that spiritual maturity comes from constant use - constant attention to the Word of God, the scriptures that He gave to us for guidance and training. We fool ourselves if we think that we can live well without them. This is a gift from God, offered to us so that we can know Him better and live well while on earth, to distinguish good from evil.