October 18 - Psalm 93
There are so many different ways to look at our relationship with God. He is our friend. In John 15:15, Jesus says that he calls us friend. James 2:23 tells us that God called Abraham friend. He is our comforter, Savior, refuge and fortress. He is our protector and He loves us. Knowing that God cares for us so much is one of the greatest joys of being a Christian.
But, sometimes we need to step back and see the big picture of who the Lord is. No, we need to step back even further; then take yet one more step back. We are just glimpsing the immensity of His power.
The Lord reigns. The Psalm doesn't tell us that He reigns over earth or the heavens or anything specifically. It simply says that He reigns.

The word majesty describes impressive beauty, scale or dignity. It is royal power. It is close to the Latin for major – greater. There is none greater than the Lord. He is robed in majesty! Everything that surrounds his being is greater than anything we know or can perceive.
His throne is eternal. He established the earth and its solidity. Though the chaos of the seas and the oceans fills the world; He still reigns. He rises above all of that chaos and His strength can overcome it.
All the laws have been set in place by the One who is holy; the One who is eternally holy.
Yes, the Lord is our shepherd, our comforter, our fortress and refuge. But this Lord, the one who is closer to us than a brother, the one who lives in our heart; this Lord reigns over everything. He is clothed in majesty and is eternally holy.
This is what we see when we step away from ourselves and observe Him across all of time and space.
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