October 12 - Psalm 53
A fool says in his heart “There is no God.”
If you want to see something interesting, check out Psalm 14. These are pretty much exactly the same words. Psalm 53 uses Elohim (God) rather than Yahweh (the Lord), but for the most part these are the same Psalm.
The changes that have occurred in this Psalm make it different enough to realize the Psalmist is talking about someone quite different. In Psalm 14, the author is writing about those Israelites who are doing evil. By Psalm 53, Israel has been under siege by foreign nations and the foolish are not Israelites, but those who will not call on God from other lands.
This is really the way of it, isn't it. Sometimes we face down foes in our own lives. They might be our own thoughts and emotions, they might come from our church or our family. We become frustrated because they just can’t see how God could make them into something more than who they are. They won’t acknowledge His presence in their lives or if they do, they have formed Him into their own image and limit His activity.

Oh, that salvation for all would come. The last sentence is a promise for Israel and for the world. When God restores the fortunes of His people, rejoice!
Focus on the restoration and not the foolishness. God has this.
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