October 13 - Psalm 59
If you read the subhead for this Psalm, you will see that David had good reason to be in prayer for his life. The story behind this Psalm is found in 1 Samuel 19:11-17. Saul had brought David into his home, his harp playing soothed the old man’s soul when it was gripped by an evil spirit. David had also married Saul’s daughter, Michal. Saul wasn't ready to give up his kingdom and knew that the young man had been anointed as the next king of Israel.
Then came a day when David was playing his harp for Saul. 1 Samuel 19:9 says that an evil spirit took control of Saul and before David knew it, Saul tried to pin him to the wall with his spear. David escaped and ran home. Michal knew what her father’s plan was and told David to run for his life. She helped him escape through a window because Saul’s men were out front, ready to take him the next morning.
I wrote about a literary structure called a chiasm. This Psalm is another example of that structure. The theme of protection from enemies is found at the beginning (vs. 1-2); middle (9-10); and the end (16-17). In between each of these elements the Psalmist speaks of the treachery of his enemies.
Those enemies surround him snarling like dogs. Terrible things come out of their mouths (Psalm 59:7). David was afraid for his life, but sometimes our enemies aren't there to actually murder us, but to destroy us in many creative ways. The worst are those who mutter terrible things about us hoping that others will pick up the gossip and continue to spread it. Psalm 59:15 says that they wander about for food and howl if not satisfied. If they can’t find some way to slander, they will make it up and they will scream so loud it sounds as if they are howling.

For the Lord is our fortress. He will deliver us from our enemies, he will shield us and is a refuge in times of trouble. No matter how difficult it is to remember those truths; when we are in the midst of persecution, those words are what we rely on.
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