October 14 - Psalm 66
This morning I woke fully rested. I’d slept through the entire night (albeit with a few interruptions). It’s been a while since that has happened for me, so I felt great. It is mornings like this when praise is on the tip of my tongue. There are plenty of other mornings when the laments that have been filling the last days of this Psalm series seemed more appropriate, but today Psalm 66 fills my imagination.
“Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing to the glory of his name: offer him glory and praise!”
The percentage of people who woke up this morning either praising God or grumbling about the day probably equals out. But, my imagination wonders what would happen if tomorrow morning, everyone on earth woke up and recognized the gift of creation that God has given us and started the day with praise on their tongues. Think about the power of that transformation! The entire earth would be changed in a moment.

I am nearly a month into a ‘Thankful For’ journal. It’s not that big of a deal, I simply ensure that every day I write down five things I’m thankful for. I’m not just thankful to the universe for these things, I’m thankful to God for the awesome works He does on my behalf. Every day He is working with me to bring blessings. Every day I should praise Him for those things!
“Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard …” (Psalm 66:8)
I will admit that sometimes the postings on Facebook, where people share images others have created celebrating God, get a little annoying. It’s as if it is a shallow representation of a person’s true feelings regarding the power of God. However, for the first time, the sound of praise is heard on such a large scale (even if it is only two-dimensional images of words). These words of praise are sometimes shared with millions of people. That’s praise in a big way!
“Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me. I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue … but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer” (Psalm 66:16-19).
We each have a story when God hears our prayers and responds. Sometimes it is easier to focus on the times when He doesn't respond, but the truth is … God hears us and cares for us and when we leave the pity party behind, we recognize the power of His hand in our lives.
Tell the story of what God has done for you over and over. Focus on the blessings He has given you. Wake up in the morning with praise on your lips. Let the sound of praise be heard across the earth!
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