October 15 - Psalm 71
A few images which seem to be leaping out at me from the Psalms are refuge and fortress. The Psalmist constantly tells the Lord that it is in Him that we take refuge. The Lord is our rock and fortress. In fact, a quick search tells me that these three words (rock, refuge, fortress) are used a total of eighty-nine times in forty-three Psalms. The words deliver, rescue, protect and protection show up sixty-seven times in the Psalms. When everything is falling apart around us; the one true place of safety is with the Lord.
The Psalmist here recounts his life as lived knowing the Lord. “From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb” (Psalm 71:6). “Since my youth, you have taught me” (Psalm 71:17). The Lord has been part of his life for as long as he can remember, there is not a time when he hasn't known that relationship. Because of this, his life seems mysterious to others (Psalm 71:7). His life is wondrous … mysterious … a portent … something out of the ordinary. Others don’t know what to do with the fact that God is so close to him. But, even though they might point and stare, his mouth will always be filled with praise. No wonder God called David a man after his own heart.
From birth to his youth, he was close to the Lord, but twice in this Psalm, he cries out for God to not forsake him in his old age (Psalm 71:9, 18). It is at that point that, though his mind might still be quick and clear; his body will not protect him from his enemies. It is at that point, that he needs great protection. In Psalm 71:18, he simply wants the end of his life to be a chance to declare the power of God to the next generation.

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