June 10 - Isaiah 53:5

Monday, June 10, 2013

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

…the punishment that brought us peace.

When Isaiah prophesied about the suffering servant – the Messiah – he saw the great amount of sin and corruption that existed in the world.  That was thousands of years ago!  They didn't have peace and hope in their hearts from the sacrifice of God’s son.  All they could do was hope for something in the far future, long after they were no longer living on earth.  Maybe it would be better for their children or their grandchildren or maybe there would be hope for their grandchildren’s grandchildren.  They saw life in the long-term – generations – because they recounted their history in generations and there was very little hope for peace in their own lives.

On the other hand, we have hope that is based on the work of the Messiah. We no longer wait for his arrival. It has happened and we can know salvation because of the work Jesus did on the cross.

We have the opportunity to know true peace; to experience a different type of hope – one that offers new hope each morning and peace when we put our heads on our pillows at night.

These words are no longer about a possible future event which might unfold in untold generations, they are our history, they are truth – they are reality.

We no longer need to be in bondage to the sin we commit; we have freedom, we have peace and the one who was punished for our transgressions; pierced for our iniquities wants nothing more than for us to find peace in Him.