December 9 - Keep Watch

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9 - Keep Watch

Matthew 25:1-13

I spent some time processing on this parable and then began to giggle as I realized how annoyed I was with the 5 foolish virgins and then I got a little annoyed with the bridegroom! But, I had to take that back because he is Jesus. Wait, I'll show you how I got there ...

One of the wedding customs in Israel was that after a long period of betrothal, as the bridegroom prepared the home for his bride, a night would all of a sudden be set and the bride and groom would send their parties ahead and then when they arrived, the wedding would take place.

So, the bride sent her attendants ahead. When they arrived at the location, the bridegroom was late (hence, my annoyance. I am always early and no matter what I do to be just a little late, I can never seem to achieve that. So, I generally end up waiting ... and waiting).

The bridesmaids (virgins - whatever) had to wait and wait. In fact, they had to wait so long that they feel asleep.

The spiritual look at this seems to be exactly what is happening in the world right now. Isn't it amazing to realize that God foresaw the spiritual drowsiness we are feeling at this point in history? Christians have fallen asleep as we wait for the return of Christ. If I think about the animation and excitement I felt when I first became a Christian and compare that to the life I live right now, I'm a bit appalled at myself. Oh, I still love Jesus just as much - maybe more - now as I did when I was young, but I'm not nearly as apt to scream it from the rooftops. I've gotten old and tired (shhh, don't tell me I said that).

I think as a whole, we've gotten lazy and sleepy and drowsy in our attitude about Jesus. We are just at the point that those ten virgins were at. They waited so long for the bridegroom to appear that they simply fell asleep.

All of a sudden, at midnight, a cry rang out "Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!" (Matthew 25:6).

Those bridesmaids were probably in a bit of a sleep stupor, but rushed around to trim their lamps and bring light to the entire situation so that the wedding could proceed. Five of them had brought extra oil to relight their lamps, but five had not thought it would be necessary. They were excited about the wedding, didn't plan for the lateness of the bridegroom and just headed out for the party.

Those poor girls were distraught. They begged for oil from the five who had come prepared, but couldn't get any and knew they had to find a way to purchase extra oil. While they were gone, the bridegroom showed up, took the five others with him to the wedding banquet and closed the door.

When the others came to join the party, they couldn't get into the banquet hall. They had completely missed out because in their excitement to get started, they didn't have enough sense to prepare for the long haul.

When the trumpet sounds and Jesus returns in the clouds, if you are asleep, will you be prepared to join the party or will you have to go away to get provisions?

"Keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour." (Matthew 25:13)