July 11 - Solomon Prepares to Build

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11 - Solomon Prepares to Build
1 Kings 5:1-18. 2 Chronicles 2:1-17.

While David had gotten things started for the temple, there was still plenty to collect and do.  This was going to be an immense structure.  1 Kings tells us that Hiram initiated the conversation with Solomon regarding more cedar for constructing the temple, while 2 Chronicles writes that it was Solomon who wrote to Hiram first.  Hiram of Tyre had provided the cedar that David needed to construct his palace, he would be the right man for the job.

Solomon tells Hiram that there is no one as skilled in felling lumber as the people from Sidon, this is the cedar that he wants.  Solomon’s task is a great one. He is to build a temple for the Name of the Lord God. Things had to be perfect!  When you are building something for God, you want to have the best lumber and the most skilled people set to the task.  It isn’t something you want to hand off to the lowest bidder.

The small details we find in these reports are wonderful.  Hiram explains clearly to Solomon that his men will take the cedar and pine logs to the sea, float them in rafts by sea to where Solomon wants them and then will separate them.  At that point, Solomon’s men can take them away.

Then, think about this!  1 Kings 5:13-16.  Solomon sent thirty thousand men in shifts of ten thousand per month to Lebanon to help bring this lumber to Jerusalem.  He sent seventy thousand stone carriers and eighty thousand stonecutters as well as thirty-three hundred foreman to work the quarries and bring out the foundational stones.

The tribes of Israel were huge!  But, as I consider these numbers, I believe Solomon was doing something so right.  The tribes of Israel had existed up to this point as warriors.  They came blasting into Canaan ready to do battle.  They had lived this way for many years.  While they may not have liked it and might have complained about it, this is the life they were used to.  Imagine having that many soldiers in a time of peace.  They needed to have something to do with their lives.  Solomon gave them more than they needed to do.  By the time this initial period of construction was over, the transition would have been made.  Peace had settled on Israel.  People were busy settling into the land.  The Temple was being built.