December 8 - I AM

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8 – I AM (John 8:48-59)

We are so conditioned to see Jesus as the righteous Son of God that it is difficult to imagine how the early Jews viewed him.  At the beginning of this passage, the Jews think that they are justified in asking if he isn’t a Samaritan and demon-possessed!

The Samaritans were a group of people that had come from long-ago unions between Jews and Gentiles.  In 2 Kings 17, the king of Assyria had brought a group of foreigners into Israel when he had defeated the country and they soon began to intermarry.  The foreigners adopted Judaism but it was, in actuality, different enough to cause schism and dissension.   This accusation was a great insult to anyone who was a pure Jew.  Not only did they accuse Jesus of being a Samaritan, but it got worse – he had to be demon-possessed.

When Jesus explained to them that he honored his Father and that if a person were to keep Jesus’ word, he would never see death, the Jews were incensed!  Abraham and the prophets had all died, did Jesus really think he was greater than Abraham?  Who did he think that he was? (John 8:52-53)

Jesus continues to attempt to explain to the Jews that God glorifies him.  Even though the Jews don’t know God – Jesus does.  Then, he finishes it by telling them that Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing his (Jesus’) day; he saw it and was glad.

They were lost.  Jesus was still a young man – how could he possibly have seen Abraham.  Oh, the lack of understanding that was in their hearts. 

Jesus replied with the words that God had spoken to Moses so many years ago.  “I am!”  Before Abraham even was born, Jesus said, “I am.”

As I was re-reading this passage and discovered the question by the Jews – “Who do you think that you are?” I remembered reading through the passage in Exodus 3 when God tells Moses that He (God) is.

As Moses was questioning God about His choice in sending Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt, the question Moses kept asking was “Who am I?  Who do you think that I am?  What shall I tell them?”

God never told Moses who he was.  It was never about Moses, it was simply about God.  When Moses asks, “Who am I?”  God responds with “I will be with you.” 

When Moses asks, “Who shall I say sent me?” God responds with “I AM.”

I AM sent Moses.  I AM was there before Moses was born.  Who does he think he is?  He is I AM.