October 22 - Psalm 112

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22 - Psalm 112

Do you know that Hallelujah means Praise the Lord?  The Hebrew for the first line of this Psalm (and others) is Hallelu Yah. You might recognize the word Yah as part of Yahweh.  Praise the Lord!  Hallelujah!

Do you revere the Lord and find delight in what He says?  You are blessed. Your children and every generation following who stand up for the Lord will also be blessed.

When it is dark, light will dawn for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.  God will be close to you as you’re a generous and give of yourself without asking for something in return. His goodness will be on those who are honest and filled with integrity.

Those who trust in the Lord without question will not fear bad news knowing that in the end, everything will be alright.

On the other hand, the one who is wicked will become nothing and no matter what he or she desires, nothing much will happen.

The Psalmist knows that there is a much longer view of life when you are connected to the Lord by doing His will and living according to His statutes.  Darkness gives way to light, goodness comes from generosity and integrity, short-term fears give way to peace.

We have been given a great gift in knowing that the Lord desires the very best for each of us.  It is our decision as to whether or not we live in His will and accept the good things He has to offer.