January 3 - Revelation. I See Jesus! (pt. 2)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3 – Revelation. I See Jesus! (pt. 2)

Revelation 1:12-16

We will finish with the description of Jesus today. One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Revelation 1. After years of thinking he would never see his friend face to face, John stands before Him one more time. John is nearly overwhelmed by what he sees, but he is able to transmit the information so that we can all be a part of his vision.

- Feet like bronze, voice like the sound of rushing waters.
From Micah 4:13, “Rise and thresh, O Daughter of Zion, for I will give you horns of iron; I will give you hoofs of bronze and you will break to pieces many nations.”

Jesus comes with great power to break apart nations who refuse to submit to Him.

In Ezekiel 43:2 we read, “I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory.”

The voice of Jesus rises above the noise of our every day lives with a sound like rushing water.

- He held seven stars. A sharp double-edged sword came from his mouth. His face was like the sun.
The seven stars are explained in Revelation 1:20 as the angels of the seven churches, while the lampstands are the churches themselves. That they seven stars are in his right hand means that they are in his protection.

In Hebrews 4:12 we read, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

I grew up with parents that differed in their manner of punishment. Dad had grown up in a large family, punishment was swift and harsh while mom grew up as an only child and was terribly spoiled. The two of them compromised when it came to blending their methods for raising children. Dad would insist on strong punishment, but mom managed to temper it to fit the deed and the need of the child.

This is what Jesus did. He is the tempering force of God’s punishment. The sharp sword of truth must be used, but it is always tempered by the reality of the Lamb’s sacrificial love.

- His face was like the sun.
When Moses met with God in Exodus 34:29-30, he came away from that experience with a radiant face. He had to put a veil over his face because it shone so brightly. He frightened the Israelites!

1 John 1:5 says, “God is light, in him there is no darkness at all.” The light from God’s presence is strong. Moses’ face radiated that light when he left God’s presence. Jesus is continually in the Father’s presence and His face will always shine.

After John finishes describing what he saw, he tells us that he fell down as though he were dead. But, his friend – the man he had spent 3 very important years with and whose teaching he had shared with the world, reached to touch him and to say, “Do not be afraid.”

The power of God is in our Messiah’s hands. He brings judgment, He shines with the light from God’s throne. Yet, He is our Savior and with a touch of the hand, He assures us – Do not be afraid.