May 20 - I Am a Friend of God

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20 - I Am a Friend of God - 2 Timothy 1:3-7

Diane says:
The second letter to Timothy was written near the end of Paul's life. We see a sense of urgency in Paul's words throughout this book. Paul was chained in a Roman prison. The only thing that occupied his time was prayer. But, Paul wasn't praying for himself or his escape. He was praying for Timothy, who was ministering to the church that Paul loved so much.

The last time Timothy left Paul, he cried. I can't imagine the loneliness of his situation. He had expended so much of himself bringing the Word of God to the world and now, he was in prison again facing his death. He remembers this wonderful young man who had a sincere faith. The word used here actually translates as 'unhypocritical.' How many people do you know that have an unhypocritical faith to the core. This faith came through the generations to Timothy. You can tell that Paul treasures him.

The gift of God: spirit of power, love and self-discipline. Paul had laid hands on Timothy and knew what God had poured into him. As he called it forth, he also knew that his ministry would continue through Timothy.

Rebecca says:
Sometimes I am overwhelmed with how much I want to do. There is so much I want to write about, so much inside I want to say, so many experiences I want to share and there are days I am enormously frustrated with the limited amount of time I have to do any of it. And so as I read this passage and thought about what Diane wrote, I cannot imagine how Paul must have been feeling. He was so passionate about sharing every dimension of Christ, and to be chained up far away, out of the world so to speak would be so incredibly difficult. Timothy was his only option for hands, feet and a voice to carry out all that golden lava welling up inside, burning to get out.

It is no wonder Paul constantly remembered Timothy in his prayers. What a blessed relief to have such a connection with someone. Timothy was not just an officer filling a role but a dear friend with a connection that ran so deep it brought him to tears when they parted. I am certain that connection gave Paul a little bit more breathing room when it came to the burden he carried to share the message. He knew Timothy, his heart, his background, his genetic makeup. He knew everything about him and loved and adored it all. He had great confidence in him and so the fact that Timothy became Paul’s "great white hope" wasn’t that much of a risk.

Paul knew what was inside Timothy, the knowledge, passion, the Spirit, and the eagerness to share the gift of Christ. He knew that it was all pure, all golden molten lava. I think in some ways Paul was more certain of Timothy and his abilities than Timothy was of himself. And so Paul encourages him to fan that flame so that Timothy can begin to taste the fire.

You know to fan a flame, all it takes is a little breath - just one little opening of the mouth and what comes out stirs the embers from a nice burning glow into an actual fire that ignites and spreads. Paul knew that all it would take for Timothy was for him to find his voice. To open his mouth and just breathe out all that was laying inside of him and fan it into a flame. He encouraged him to not be timid but to tap into that power to accomplish the mission and ministry of Paul.

How much hope Paul must have had for Timothy, and how secure that connection must have been. Timothy’s victories would become Paul’s, and his sorrows would have been tasted by Paul. Their mission was united and of one accord. I thought a lot about that partnership today, about how well they worked together and how because of Timothy, Paul’s work was still carried out though he was in a far away place and only communicating through letters. Paul still found ways to encourage, teach, to command, and Timothy remained focused, loyal, obedient, and willing to carry out Paul’s mission. It never became Timothy’s mission, he never formed a separate agenda.

In many ways we all are Timothys, and their relationship is a beautiful portrait of who and what we should strive to attain in our walk with Christ. Yes, He is far away and in a different place but he has left us instructions, encouragement, gifts, and a clearly defined mission to carry out. We miss Him, weep to just touch him and say hello again, and He longs for us and continually prays for us because we have become His great white hope, his arms and legs and voices that are not here to carry out His mission.

Often we forget that. We forget that this is a partnership with a dear friend. We forget that this is about His agenda and not our own. And like Timothy, we forget what lies inside us and remain unaware of the power and strength that was given to us by His Spirit. We walk through life with a gut full of glowing embers and are unaware of the powerful lava that pumps through our veins. But if we take this passage and stop looking at it as a letter from Paul to Timothy and instead read it as one that Christ wrote to us perhaps we would see things differently.

He thanks God and constantly remembers us in His prayers. He recalls our tears and longs to see us so that He may be filled with joy. He is reminded of our sincere faith, He knows our hearts and from who and where we came from. And He, Christ Jesus himself, wants us to fan into flame the gift of God which He has given us. He knows that if we just find our voice, and open up our mouths the fire will be lit and spread. We need to dig deep and remember that God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power, of love, and self discipline.

How different it all seems to think of Christ saying those words to me. How much stronger and more eager I am to move forward and do whatever I need to carry out His mission, because I adore Him, I miss Him and I want so much to do whatever I need to do so that He can bring it all to completion. Timothy was a dear friend to Paul, and it is my hope that we all are the dearest of friends to our Lord. How blessed we are to be entrusted with such a command. And how hopeful I am that it will actually be carried out! We are, after all, His only option for hands, feet and a voice to give and share and do and carry out all that golden lava welled up inside of Him burning to get out.