April 30 - It is Not Over

Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30 - It is Not Over - Mark 16:1-20

There was no expectation that Jesus would rise from the dead as was proven by the fact that the women purchased anointing spices to Jesus' tomb. Anointing spices helped to counteract the odor of decay and were an expression of loving devotion.

John 20:1 tells us the left while it was still dark and arrived and sunrise. They were worried about rolling the stone away, but were obviously not aware of the guard that had been posted or the official sealing of the tomb. (Matthew 27:62-66)

But the stone was rolled away. They were probably relieved, yet confused and that grew as they entered the tomb and saw an angel seated there. He offered comfort and explained what had happened, then gave them a command to tell the others. Peter's name was mentioned here to teach the lesson of forgiveness that Jesus brought for everyone, even the one who denied Him when the worst was happening.

The women fled, saying nothing because of their fear. It is more than likely they weren't believed since they were women. Jesus ended up staying in Jerusalem and ensuring that people believed He was risen from the dead before gathering them all in Galilee.

The last verses of Mark are the continuing subject of great debate. Two early manuscripts did not include them, but there was actually space left open at the end of Mark indicating that the copyists knew there was a longer ending but didn't have it available in the piece that they were copying. Many of the early Jewish scholars acknowledged that these verses belonged to the book. The debate still rages on. It seems unimportant to me.

This is a quick wrapup of the last days that the disciples and others saw Jesus on the earth. He met with Mary and two who walked in the country, but no one believed any of them until Jesus appeared to them at a meal.

Go into the world. Preach the good news. Have faith that if you are walking in God's will, you will carry His power with you! Go into the world.