April 17 - The Big Questions

Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17 - The Big Questions - Mark 8:22-38

The healing of the blind man in Bethsaida is the only two-part miracle and the only miracle that is only told of in Mark. Jesus doesn't always do things as we expect Him to. "Do you see anything?" Maybe this healing was symbolic of the opening of His disciple's hearts. He touched their lives over and over and yet they still weren't able to see the truth ... it was as if they were seeing His ministry through a haze. One more touch and clarity will come.

We are right in the middle of Mark's gospel and Jesus asks the pivotal question. "Who do people say that I am?" After receiving various answers, He presses a little deeper. Do they see yet? Are they understanding? "But what about you? Who do you say that I am?"

Peter responded. He understood. This is the center of the Gospel. The truth that Jesus was bringing to the Jews. "You are the Christ - the Messiah." Walking with them was the hope of the nations, the Savior of the world. This is Jesus, Son of God ... the Messiah. They are beginning to see.

Mark 8:31 says, "He then began to teach them ..." He finally quit trying to hide away from the crowds. It was necessary to begin teaching these twelve men, no matter what was going on around them.

Jesus wanted to make them understand that His time with them was short, that there would be suffering. But, He also wanted them to understand that He would rise again. He said it as plainly as possible.

Peter couldn't hear it. He had just shown that He was beginning to comprehend his Master's ministry on earth and now, he couldn't handle what this same Master was teaching them. Jesus recognized immediately that Peter was dealing with his own fears of loss and sorrow. He couldn't have that - He needed these men to have the mind of God, not be corrupted by human values which were twisted by Satan.

This is what will be necessary for you to do to follow me, Jesus said: Sacrifice everything! All that you have in this world is worth nothing if your soul is forfeit. The word 'deny' in Mark 8:34 is not about self-denial and deprivation, dying as a martyr or denying your personality, it is setting aside selfish interests and earthly securities. But, that is only the negative side. The positive side is to take up your cross - in other words - taking God's will into yourself.

Jesus will be the final judge. He is going to be returning. Our response to Him will determine His final response to us.