November 12 - Luke 18:1-8

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Luke 18:1-8 – The Persistent Widow

Rather than simply being a commentary on persistent prayer, this parable is closely linked to the preceding conversation Jesus was having with his disciples. It is always important to focus on the entirety of the text. He is attempting to teach his disciples that though his return might be delayed, they should always pray and never give up (Luke 18:1). This is emphasized by his words at the end of this pericope when he asks, “when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8b)

The two characters of this parable – the unjust judge and a persistent widow – paint a picture of continued waiting. If the judge, who is less than noble and has no honor, is willing to grant the widow’s request due to her persistence, how much more so will God bring forth justice for those who continually pray.

The Son’s return will occur one day, the kingdom will be fully realized on earth. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray “Your kingdom come” in Luke 11:2, this is what they … this is what we are praying for. We must remain persistent in prayer because God will honor that on the day when Jesus does return. Our faith will bring justice against the adversary. We must never give up.

The theme of this discussion regarding Jesus’ return revolves around two things – always be prepared and be persistent in prayer. He will return, his kingdom will fully be known on the earth as it is in heaven.