January 17 - Simeon's Song
Luke 2:29-32
“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”
Joseph and Mary took their infant son to Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord. Luke tells us that that Law instructs the first born son shall be called holy to the Lord. They took a sacrifice of a pair of turtledoves (pigeons) and while they were in the Temple, they encountered a man named Simeon.
The Bible says he was righteous and devout and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It also says that it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he wouldn't see death until he had seen the Messiah.
This man, who had spent a lifetime in the Lord’s will approached Mary and Joseph. He took Jesus in his arms and praised God.
My heart fills with joy at this story. One man who had devoted his life to the Lord, held an infant in his arms and saw the world shift on its axis. This child would grow up and become salvation for the world. He would be a light for revelation to the Gentiles and a light for glory to the people of Israel. Nothing else would ever be as important to Simeon as that moment.
When I truly met Jesus face to face in my own life, I wouldn't have told you that the world shifted, but now, nearly forty years later, I can identify times when I would have … could have been something much different without knowing him. He will always transform, whether you recognize it immediately or much later in your life.
For that, I praise the Lord.
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