December 5 - False

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5 – False

Matthew 24:23-28, Mark 13:21-23

I just finished an interesting book. It was complete fiction based on historical truth and a whole lot of supposition. But, it was fiction. Based on the Templars, it told the story of how they had managed to maintain a presence in the world today. The protagonist and the antagonist were looking for the Great Devise – proof that Jesus had only been a man, had been killed on the cross and buried. His disciples had removed his body and then because He had been reborn in their hearts, the resurrection was true in part.

Much of this comes from heresies that were around even in the times of Paul, which is why many of his letters speak so clearly about the crucifixion and resurrection.

As I read the book, I was intrigued by the story, the action, the characters and a little distressed by the main plot, but all along I realized that fiction is what it is for a reason. It was never intended to be historical truth, simply entertainment. However, I was struck by the falseness of the story and how badly I wanted the author to fix his ending. He never did and I set it down at the end of the book with sorrow, knowing that he will always question his faith and never be assured of the truth.

Jesus warns His disciples and us about false Christs and prophets who will do things and say things to deceive us. Even those who know Him personally will be deceived. I love Matthew 24:25 when He says, “See, I have told you ahead of time.” He has warned us, knowing that His warnings will go unheeded by many.

We look for the easy Christ, the quick miracle, the healing that might rescue us from our dilapidated lives. If He’s in the desert, Jesus tells us not to go ut there. If we are told that all we have to do is donate a little money and Christ will save us from whatever mess we are in, don’t pay attention to those words.

I’ll say it over and over and over again. We will absolutely know it when Christ returns. We won’t have to hear it from an evangelist or a preacher or anyone else. He will not come as an infant in a manger again, creeping up on a world that didn’t know who He was. He will come “as lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west.” (Matthew 24:17) We will be sure that it is Him and everyone will know it at the same time.

Pay no attention to the false Christs and false prophets that seem to appear around you. When Christ returns, be assured you will recognize Him.