April 12 - Family

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12 - Family - Mark 6:1-29

Jesus left Jairus' family and went to His own hometown. When Sabbath came, he taught in the synagogue, amazing those that heard Him.

But, Mark lets us in on a terrible secret. They weren't amazed at His teaching, they were amazed that the Mary and Joseph's son, whose brothers and sisters were well known to them was able to speak with wisdom and perform miracles. They weren't just amazed, they were offended! Jesus did what little He could in that community and it says that He was amazed at their lack of faith. It had to hurt ... just a little bit. (Mark 6:1-6)

Jesus' ministry was beginning to expand. It was time to entrust the Twelve with the keys to the kingdom. He sent them out. There was a sense of urgency in His instructions. They were to travel lightly and their travels would entrust them to the hospitality of the people and towns they visited.

So, off they went, preaching a message of repentance. They drove out demons and anointed the sick and healed them. (Mark 6:7-13)

While the Twelve were spreading the message, it managed to get back to King Herod. His advisers were giving him all sorts of ideas about who Jesus was. He might be John the Baptist raised from the dead, or He might be Elijah, or He might be a prophet like those long again. Herod was fairly confident it was John the Baptist. Why? Because He was harboring intense guilt over the death of that man.

Mark tells us the story of what had happened to the prophet. Herod had shrew for a wife. Herodias had been his brother, Philip's wife and those two should never have been together. John called them on it. Never tick off a woman with power!

Herod was afraid of John's power and respected his lifestyle. He had no desire to destroy the man and had probably been putting up with his wife's request for John's death for quite awhile. But, the woman was conniving and she wanted what she wanted. Her daughter danced for Herod and in front of his officials and military commanders, he offered her anything she wanted. The deed was done. Herodias got her desire: John's head on a platter.

I'm not sure if she literally wanted the head, but that's what she got and her poor daughter had to make the delivery. John's disciples took his body away and buried it.

Herod's fears were only going to increase from this point forward. He projected his lack of honor in this situation into everything that had to do with John and now with Jesus. Mark is ensuring that we are aware of every movement that is being made toward the cross.