February 6 - Jacob & Rachel ... or Leah

Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6 - Jacob & Rachel ... or Leah

I think that the author of Genesis sets out to make us feel sorry for Jacob for being tricked by his uncle Laban. After working for 7 years to gain Rachel's hand in marriage, he wakes up after his wedding night to discover that it is her older sister, Leah with whom he shared the marriage bed. Now, the Bible says that this poor woman had weak eyes ... huh ... I wonder why that was such a terrible thing? Maybe it's no longer politically correct to shy away from someone because their eyes tend to cross and in those days it was just fine.

This poor older sister couldn't find a husband and her father didn't want to be saddled with her for the rest of his life, so as custom would have it, the older sister was to be married first. Think about the crimp that was putting in Rachel's social life!

But, Jacob had loved Rachel from the moment he met her (Genesis 29:11, 17-18). He managed to finish out the bridal week with Leah and Rachel became his second wife. He loved her more than Leah, so God opened Leah's womb and she started having sons. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah.

No, this didn't go over very well at all. Rachel threw a fit and said, "Give me children, or I'll die!" (Gen. 30:1). Ultimatums don't go over well with a man who is successfully having children with another woman. He got mad. But, he also got another woman to 'lay with.' Her servant, Bilhah bore Dan, then Napthali.

Now, it was Leah's turn to freak out. She was no longer having children, so Jacob got to 'lay with' her servant, Zilpah. She gave him 2 sons, Gad and Asher.

Rachel sold her husband's sexual prowess to Leah for mandrakes? Why yes she did (Gen. 30:15). And I love it. In Gen. 30:16 she says to Jacob, "You must sleep with me. I have hired you." So he slept with her that night.

Who feels sorry for Jacob now? The man is having some good years!

She gave birth to Issachar. Jacob slept with her again and she gave birth to Zebulun and then to a daughter, Dinah.

Finally after 10 sons and a daughter, the Lord opened her womb and she conceived and gave birth to Joseph.

Jacob took his family and all that he owned to leave Laban. You'd think that a man with that much experience with women would be smarter than most. But, no. He ran away in secret.

He makes it back to Bethel (after several chapters of wild activities) and Rachel has conceived again. As she gives birth to Benjamin, she dies on the way to Bethlehem. Jacob made it back to his father, Isaac, in time to see him before he died.

What a man won't do for love. What a father won't do for the daughters he loves. What a wife won't do to give her husband the one thing she believes he desires.

It's a good that God makes the choices regarding whom He will use to change His world. So far, I would never have chosen these men to be the foundation of a nation belonging to God. But, the Creator knows the hearts of His people. Jacob loved his wife and children. Jacob loved his God.