May 22 – Landowner

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Matthew 21:33-46

In today’s parable, Jesus tells the story of a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a wall around it, leased it out, then moved to another country. When he sent his servants to get his fruit, the tenants beat one, killed another and stoned the third. So, he sent more servants, in greater number.  The tenants did the same thing. Finally, thinking that his son would be safe from their behavior, he sent his only son.  For some strange reason, the tenants believed that by killing the son, they would receive the inheritance instead; so they did just that.

Then Jesus asked his listeners what they thought the landowner would do. Of course they responded by saying that he would put them to a miserable death and then lease the vineyard to respectable tenants.

“Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits” (Matthew 21:43).

It’s easy for us to see that Jesus was speaking to the leaders of the Jews, but is it as easy for us to see that Jesus speaks to us as well?

It’s easy for us to see that Jesus is speaking to those theologians who refuse to acknowledge his divinity, or even that he was a real person and spent time on earth, but is it as easy for us to see that Jesus speaks to us as well?

It’s easy for us to see that Jesus speaks to cults and anyone who disagrees with the way we interpret his teaching, but is it as easy for us to see that Jesus is speaking to us as well?

What fruits of the kingdom are you producing?