September 30 - New Heaven and Earth
Revelation 21
In the beginning, God created. He created everything.
Then he created humanity and gave us power to make choices and to live as if we didn't know Him. We put us in charge of caring for His creation and we chose to be selfish and do whatever we wanted as long as it made us happy, even if only for a moment.
We chose anger over conciliation, theft over creation, jealousy over love and we chose to worship anything that we could get our hands on. So, God laid down a few rules for His humans and we chose to ignore those as often as possible. So, God sent a Savior to try to get us back on track. At the first opportunity, we chose to murder Him.
Fortunately, God is bigger than all of us. He transformed our small-minded ways into an immense, world-changing event and the Messiah ripped apart the limitations that had been created for getting close to God and exposed His love, grace and mercy to the entire world.
We weren't finished yet. On a much larger scale, now, the world (made up of all God’s creation) chose to be independent of Him and not only attempt to ignore the Creator, but blatantly reject Him. Revelation tells us that the Day will come when His patience is at an end and He will take charge once more of His creation, which includes humanity. He will punish those who have made those awful choices and in His righteous anger, destruction will fill the skies, the waterways and the earth itself.
But, in the end, God will create. He will create everything.
He will create a new heaven and a new earth.
He will create a new Jerusalem, a new home in which He will walk among His people. They will be His people and He will be their God. There will be no need for the sun or moon because He will bring light. Sin, death, mourning, crying and pain will be gone.
In the end, God makes all things new.