September 3 - Cain and Abel
Genesis 4
There is a lot to be frightened about when it comes time to give birth to a first baby. Fortunately, for humanity, excitement seems to win over fear most of the time and women continue to have children. But, can you imagine the very first time this happened? God had already told Eve that part of her punishment for listening to that snake was that child bearing was going to hurt. I just can’t even imagine the fear with which she faced the birth of her first child.
There was no one around to tell her that it would be ok when it was over. There was no one around who had ever experienced this. She wouldn’t have heard other women talking about it and laughing at their own fears. No. She was going to be the first.
The first child born on earth. You’d think that would be a pretty big deal. Eve was excited. She said, “With the help of the Lord, I have brought forth a man.” (Gen. 4:1)
The second child born on earth. Not such a big deal. Like it was getting to be old hat or something. The Bible says, “Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.” (Gen. 4:2)
It’s interesting to me how quickly sin entered the world. Adam and Eve got kicked out of Paradise, had a couple of sons and before they had lived too long; jealousy, anger, and sullen behavior had entered the picture. God tried to stop it. He jumped right in there with Cain and told him that sin was trying to take him over, but he needed to master it.
That didn’t last long either. Cain turned around, asked his brother to join him in the field and buried him.
Second child born on earth … murdered by a jealous older brother.
The Bible is filled with stories of people’s relationship with each other and with the Lord. Sin does its very best to win. We constantly have to be on guard.
Imagine how different the world would have looked if Cain had known how to love his brother. Imagine how different your world would look if love was your primary focus.
This first birth was momentous, but it was only the beginning. By the time we reach the end of Genesis 4, many people have been born and the world’s population is increasing. We read about musicians, and nomads, tool makers and farmers. That first birth led to a world filled with people who would call on the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:26b).
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