June 26 - Malachi 1

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26 - Malachi 1:1-14

Malachi is the last of the Old Testament prophets until John the Baptist shows up. In fact, we will see that he predicts his ministry in Malachi 3:1. His message is that to receive the blessings of the covenant, the people have to be faithful to the covenant.

He lived in the mid - 5th century bc. The Jews had returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the temple, but they were still under the political rule of the Persians. Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem during this time. The people should be dedicated to and pursuing a relationship with God, but they had become indifferent and even resentful of God and were pursuing pagan lifestyles.

The NIV translates the word 'mazza' as 'oracle' in Malachi 1:1, but the true translation is actually 'burden.' This is not a joyous prophecy, but begins with a very somber tone.

The Lord says to Israel in Malachi 1:2, "I have loved you." This is such a tender moment. Before she even existed, He loved her. But, the people of Israel didn't seem to believe it. It had been 100 years since they had returned to Jerusalem, and they still didn't see freedom. They were being ruled by Persians. There was no Messiah reigning over them, bringing peace and plenty. They asked, "How have you loved us?"

This is a plea for answers. They didn't believe that God was honoring His part of the covenant. They no longer trusted God. But he tells them that He chose them over Esau/Edom and will lift them up while crushing Edom.

The last portion of this chapter (Malachi 1:6-14) admonishes them for their disrespect of Him. They have defiled the sacrifice by offering crippled and diseased animals. The governor wouldn't accept that, why should God?

In Malachi 1:11, the Lord is very clear that His name will be great and beautiful offerings will be brought to Him, though the Israelites clearly see it as a burden. The Lord feels cheated by those He loves the most.

This breaks my heart. We cheat the Lord of that which He deserves the most. We offer the best that we have to our work, our families, our hobbies and everything else that takes up time in our lives. He has loved us with an everlasting love and established a covenant not only with His people, Israel, but the New Covenant was established through Jesus' blood. He will always honor that covenant. What can we offer Him in return?