January 30 - 2 Timothy

Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30 - 2 Timothy

Paul is nearing the end of his life and he knows it (2 Timothy 4:6-8). There is a sense of urgency as he asks Timothy to try to get to Rome (2 Timothy 4:21). This young man has been with him for a long time and we see the intimacy with which he greets him when he calls him 'my dear son' in 2 Timothy 1:2.

The first part of this letter is meant to encourage Timothy. Notice a couple of phrases that show us how Timothy is handling his ministry. 2 Timothy 1:7-8 and 2 Timothy 2:1-3 show us that the young man is hesitant about standing up for what he knows is right.

Paul reminds him that the faith he stands on has a long history in his family, coming through his grandmother and his mother. Look at 2 Timothy 1:6. "Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.' Paul remembers the day that this happened. It is a special memory for him. He would have recognized the power of God moving through Timothy and he wants Timothy to remember it as well.

In chapter 2, we see Paul trying to teach Timothy the difference between being a brash young man, given to saying anything that comes to mind and being the Lord's servant.

This is a beautiful letter from Paul to Timothy. We have taken many of the verses out of context, yet when they are read within the body of the entire letter, the meaning is so much more powerful.

Read this letter today - it's short - it's amazing.

2 Timothy 1:1-18
2 Timothy 2:1-26
2 Timothy 3:1-17
2 Timothy 4:1-22